![]() Jay A. Cherner, M.D. |
- R.T. Jensen, M.J. Collen, K.E. McArthur, J.M. Howard, P.N. Maton, J.A. Cherner, J.D. Gardner. Comparison of the effectiveness of ranitidine and cimetidine in inhibiting acid secretion in patients with gastric hyperscretory states. American Journal of Medicine 77:90-105, 1984.
- P.N. Maton, T.M. O’Dorisio, B.A. Howe, K.E. McArthur, J.M. Howard, J.A. Cherner, T.B. Marlarky, M.J. Collen, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. Effect of a long-acting somatostatin analogue (SMS 201-995) in a patient with pancreatic cholera. New England Journal of Medicine 312:17-21, 1985.
- K.E. McArthur, M.J. Collen, P.N. Maton, J.A. Cherner, J.M. Howard, C.A. Ciarglio, M.J. Cornelius, R.T. Jensen, J.D. Gardner. Omeprazole: effective, convenient therapy for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Gastroenterology 88:939-944, 1985
- J.M. Howard, A.N. Chremos, M.J. Collen, K.E. McArthur, J.A. Cherner, P.N. Maton, C.A. Ciarleglio, M.J. Cornelius, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. Famotidine, a new, potent, long-acting histamine H2 receptor antagonist: Comparison with cimetidine and ranitidine in the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Gastroenterology 88:1026-1033, 1985.
- J.A. Cherner, J.L. Doppman, J.A. Norton, D.L. Miller, A.G.Krudy, J.P. Raufman, M.J. Collen, P.N. Maton, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. Selective venous sampling for gastrin to localize gastrinomas. Annals of Internal Medicine 105:841-847, 1986.
- R. Leman, T.J. Meinhardt, G. Becking, K. Cantor, J.A. Cherner, F. Cordle, D. Groth, C. Keller, J. Lybarger, E. McConnel, J. Millette, Y. Patel, C. Sonich-Mullin, L. Tollefson. Report on cancer risks associated with the ingestion of asbestos. Environmental Health Perspectives 72:253-265, 1987.
- J.A. Cherner, V.E. Sutliff, D. Grybowski, R.T. Jensen, J.D. Gardner. Functionally distinct receptors for cholecystokinin and gastrin on dispersed chief cells from guinea pig stomach. American Journal of Physiology 254 (Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 17): G151-G155, 1988.
- J.A. Cherner, R.T. Jensen, T.M. O’Dorisio, A. Dubois, J.D. Gardner, D.D. Metcalf. Gastrointestinal dysfunction in systemic mastocytosis. A prospective study. Gastroenterology 95:657-667, 1988
- J.A. Cherner, L. Naik, A. Tarnawski, T. Brzozowski, J. Stachura, G. Singh. Ability of prostaglandin to reduce ethanol injury to dispersed chief cells from guinea pig stomach. American Journal of Physiology 256 (Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 19): G704-G714, 1989.
- J.A. Cherner, L. Naik, G. Singh. Cholecystokinin-induced desensitization of pepsinogen secretion from chief cells. American journal of Physiology 256 (Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 19): G837-G845, 1989.
- J.A. Cherner, M.L. Cloud, W.W. Offen, J.E. Latz, Nizatidine Multicenter Duodenal Ulcer Study Group. Comparison of nizatidine and cimetidine as once nightly treatment of acute duodenal ulcer. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 84:769-774, 1989.
- R.D. Beauchamp, J.A. Barnard, C.M. McCutchen, J.A. Cherner, R.J. Coffey. Localization of transforming growth factor a and its receptor in gastric mucosal cells: implications for a regulatory role in acid secretion and mucosal renewal. Journal of Clinical Investigation 84: 1017-1023, 1989.
- J.A. Cherner, L. Naik, G. Singh. Cholinergic desensitization of pepsinogen secretion and calcium mobilization of dispersed guinea pig chief cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology 142: 46-54, 1990.
- V.E. Sutliff, J.A. Cherner, R.T. Jensen, J.D. Gardner. Binding of 125I-CCK-8 and 125I-Gastrin-I to dispersed chief cells from guinea pig stomach. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1052 (1): 9-16, 1990.
- J.A. Cherner, G. Singh, L. Naik. Atrial natriuretic factor activates membrane-bound guanylate cyclase of chief cells. Life Sciences 47: 669-677, 1990.
- J.A. Cherner, and J.L. Sawyers. Benefit of resection of metastatic gastrinoma in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type I. Gastroenterology 102: 1049-1053, 1992.
Book Chapter
R.T. Jensen, M.J. Collen, K.E. McArthur, J.M. Howard, P.N. Maton, J.A. Cherner, J.D. Gardner. Comparison of the effectiveness of ranitidine and cimetidine and inhibiting acid secretion in patients with gastric hypersecretory states. In: Ranitidine: Therapeutic Advances, (J.J. Misiewicz and J.R. Woods, eds.) Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1984, pp. 113-143.
- J.A. Cherner. Gastric acid secretion in systemic mastocytosis, New England Journal of Medicine, 320:1562, 1989.
- J.A. Cherner. Ethanol stimulates pepsinogen release from isolated guinea pig cheif cells. Gastroenterology 101:589, 1991.
- J.A. Cherner, J.P. Raufman, J.L. Doppman, A.G. Krudy, M.J. Collen, J.A. Norton, J.M. Howard, K.E. McArthur, R.T. Jensen. A prospective evaluation of percutaneous transhepatic portal venous sampling for gastrin in localizing gastrinoma. Gastroenterology 86:1046, 1984. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New Orleans, LA, 1984).
- K.E. McArthur, M.J. Collen, J.A. Cherner, J.M. Howard, P.N. Maton, R.T. Jensen, J.D. Gardner. Omeprazole as a single daily dose is effective therapy for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Gastroenterology 86:1178, 1984. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New Orleans, LA, 1984).
- J.M. Howard, M.J. Collen, J.A. Cherner, K.E. McArthur, P.N. Maton, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. Famotidine: An effective potents H2 antagonist for the therapy of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Gastroenterology 86:1117, 1984. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New Orleans, LA, 1984).
- M.J. Collen, J.L. Doppman, A.G. Krudy, K.E. McArthur, P.N. Maton, J.A. Cherner, J.M. Howard, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. Assessment of the ability of angiography to localize gastrinoma in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Gastroenterology 86:1051, 1984. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New Orleans, LA, 1984).
- J.M. Howard, M.J. Collen, K.E. McArthur, J.A. Cherner, P.N. Maton, D.M. McCarthy, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. A prospective evaluation of provocative gastrin tests in 36 patients with proven Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Annals of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 17:314, 1984. (Presented to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Annual Meeting, Montreal, September, 1984).
- J.M. Howard, M.J. Collen, K.E. McArthur, J.A. Cherner, P.N. Maton, R.T. Jensen. Comparison of famotidine with ranitidine and cimetidine in the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Digestion 32:suppl. 1, 59-61, 1985. (Presented at International Congress of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, Lisbon, Portugal, September 16, 1984).
- J.A. Cherner, V.E. Sutliff, R.T. Jensen, J.D. Gardner. Functionally distinct receptors for cholecystokinin and gastrin on dispersed chief cells from guinea pig stomach. Gastroenterology 88:1347, 1985. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New York, NY, 1985).
- J.A. Cherner, R.T. Jensen, T.M. O’Dorisio, W.J. Meggs, J.D. Gardner, D.D. Metcalf. Gastrointestinal abnormalities in systemic mastocytosis. Gastroenterology 88:1347, 1985. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New York, NY 1985).
- P.N. Maton, M.J. Collen, K.E. McArthur, J.A. Cherner, S. Wanek, M. Spanarkel, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. Occurrence of Cushing’s syndrome in patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Gastroenterology 88:1492, 1985. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New York, NY, 1985).
- S. Wank, J.L. Doppman, A.G. Krudy, K.E. McArthur, P.N. Maton, J.A. Cherner, M. Spanarkel, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. Prospective assessment of the value of computed axial tomography of the abdomen in localizing gastrinomas. Gastroenterology 88:1627, 1985. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New York, NY, 1985).
- J.A. Cherner, J.L. Doppman, J.A. Norton, M.J. Collen, P.N. Maton, J.D. Gardner, R.T. Jensen. Prospective assessment of selective venous sampling for gastrin to localize gastrinomas. Gastroenterology 90:1371, 1986. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, San Francisco, CA, 1986).
- V.E. Sutliff, J.A. Cherner, R.T. Jensen, J.D. Gardner. Distinct receptors for cholecystokinin and gastrin on gastric chief cells. Gastroenterology 92:1660, 1987. (Presented to Research Plenary Session, American Gastroenterological Association, Chicago, IL, 1987).
- J.A. Cherner, T. Brozowski, L. Naik, A. Tarnawski. Prostaglandin E2 protects dispersed gastric chief cells from injury induced by ethanol or indomethacin: evidence for direct cytoprotection in vitro. Gastroenterology 92:1343, 1987. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, Chicago, IL, 1987).
- J.A. Cherner, L. Naik. Effect of extracellular calcium on pepsinogen secretion from dispersed guinea pig chief cells. Gastroenterology 92:1343, 1987.
- J.A. Cherner, L. Naik, G. Singh. Desensitization of pepsinogen secretion and chief cell calcium transients by carbachol. Clinical Research 36:394A, 1988. (Presented to the National Meeting of American Federation for Clinical Research, Washington, DC, 1988).
- J.A. Cherner, L. Naik, G. Singh. CCK-induced desensitization of pepsinogen secretion. Gastroenterology 94:A66, 1988. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New Orleans, LA, 1988).
- J.A. Cherner, G.Singh, L. Naik. Distinct mechanisms of desensitization of pepsinogen secretion by agents that increase cyclic AMP. Gastroenterology 94:A67, 1988. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New Orleans, LA, 1988).
- J.A. Cherner, G. Singh, L. Naik. Desensitization of rises in cytosolic calcium of dispersed chief cells from guinea pig stomach. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 33:393, 1988. (Presented to the Sixth International Conference on Experimental Ulcer, Jerusalem, Israel, 1988).
- M. Cloud, W. Offen, J.A. Cherner,. Nizatidine 300 mg h.s. compared with cimetidine 800 mg h.s. in treatment of acute duodenal ulcer. American Journal of Gastroenterology 83:1045, 1988. (Presented to the American college of Gastroenterology, New York, NY, 1985).
- R.D. Beauchamp, J.A. Barnard, C.M. McCutchen, J.A. Cherner, R.J. Coffey. Expression of transforming growth factor-a and its receptor in mammalian gastric mucosa: implications for a role in regulation of gastric acid secretion and gastric mucosal renewal. Gastroenterology 96:A34, 1989. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association , Washington, DC, 1989).
- J.A. Cherner, G. Singh, L. Naik. Ability of cholera toxin to activate guanylate cylase in dispersed gastric chief cells. Gastroenterology 96:A85, 1989. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, Washington, DC, 1989).
- J.A. Cherner, G. Singh, L. Naik. cAMP-induced desensitization of pepsinogen secretion: evidence for a distal site of action. (Presented to the Third Taisho International symposium on Gastroenterology, Tokyo, Japan, 1990).
- J.A. Cherner, G. Singh, L. Naik. Atrial natriuretic factor activates membrane-bound guanylate cyclase of chief cells. Gastroenterology 98:A 1990. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, San Antonio, TX, 1990).
- J.A. Cherner and C. Wall. Protein kinase C inhibits activation of guanylate cyclase activation in gastric chief cells. Gastroenterology 98:A 1990. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association San Antonio, TX, 1990).
- J.A. Cherner and P.A. Commers. Stimulation of lipase secretion from chief cells from guinea pig stomach. Gastroenterology 100:A42, 1991. (Presented to the American Gastroenterological Association, New Orleans, LA, 1991).